Glocal Factory designs and implements projects granted by the European Union and other public and private institutions, aimed at social inclusion, people and community empowerment, sustainable development.

We are currently engaged, together with other Italian and European partners, in implementing 15 transnational projects funded by the EU in the frame of the Erasmus Plus Programme:

Green Steps – Green skills in adult education: A curriculum for the future

Through the Green Step project, the partnership aspires:

To enhance awareness of the need for future-oriented curricula and methodologies for non-formal adult education that address the environmental and climate challenges of today’s societies

To experiment with new approaches to learning for sustainability and validate them empirically

To test innovative practices that will transform adult educators and learners, especially learners with migrant background, to eco-conscious, true agents for change

To promote a flexible, local learning programme adapted to the learning needs of adults, including migrants, around the issues of environmental sustainability, climate change and behavioral transformation

To engage the wider adult education community, as well as local sustainability stakeholders to support learners’, especially migrant learners’, transition to greener economies and societies by equipping them with skills for green jobs and motivating them to adopt sustainable lifestyles.

ENEU – Empowerneurship for Newcomers in Europe

ENEU answers to the need of not existing enough entrepreneurial trainers with skills to train migrant entrepreneurs. It wants to address how to provide low skilled and low qualified adults to have access to upskilling opportunities built around the concept of an easily accessible pathway comprising three steps:

1. Skills assessment to identify existing skills and upskilling needs;

2. a tailor-made offer of learning and coaching, to enable to update skills and fill important deficits; and

3. the opportunity to have acquired knowledge and skills towards access to employment.

The main objective is to make self-employment a viable option for migrants and displaced people in transition in Europe and also for those who wish to return to their country of origin. the learning process will be developed by introducing and implementing a new methodology: @Home in Transition using digital devices and also face-to-face training/interaction with a trainer/mentor (in person or digital).

Generation Z Reading Club

Young people today read less frequently than any previous generation and enjoy reading less than young people did in the past. At the same time, every two days now the human race creates as much information as we’ve ever done.

The project objectives are:

• Promote and boost reading among young people thus enhancing their

functional, recreational, civic, media, information and critical literacy;

• Ensure access to quality impartial and youth-friendly information on key topics such as common values, civic engagement, social inclusion, green transition,


• Increase the quality and innovation of youth work through equipping youth workers and any other stakeholders involved in activities to support, train or educate young people.


BIOSTEAM targets young people that are close to their entry into the labor market and facing a choice for their future professional development or those that have already taken the decision to start a business but need guidance in their first steps. According to the GEM Report 2019, the age period between 20 and 30 years is the most frequent for youth to engage with entrepreneurial activities. The proposed merge between biomimetics and entrepreneurial training will guarantee the long-term environmental engagement of the future generations and an economic development that secures sustainability and addresses climate change. The project will help reducing youth unemployment rates and increase the international collaborations between young Europeans and between professionals from the education and youth work sectors.


Although many girls serenely navigate the transition to adulthood, many are not provided adequate support and opportunities to achieve their fullest potential. SPACE4US aims at developing and testing an innovative and integrated model for the individual and collective empowerment of young women at risk of marginalisation. Such model is based on blended-experiential learning activities covering psychological aspects like self-esteem and confidence, but also exploring concepts like empowerment, conflict-resolution, bullying, or concerning the physical sphere and addressing issues such as active lifestyles, healthy eating, sexuality and affectivity. Other activities will explore concepts like gender equality, career/school choice possibilities and will include learn by doing activities and digital readiness (to explore girls’ attitudes, fears and dreams about STEMs). It aims to provide youth workers with quality tools and creative methodologies to design and implement such activities, directly involving the target groups through participative and inclusive processes.


Empowering Migrants to Be Representative Actors in Community Engagement.

EMBRACE will increase migrants’ participation in decision-making and policy implementation processes in host societies through the testing and modelling of a carefully designed pathway. It is the result of collective work that has led to the synthesis of successful experiences at local level in several MS. These have evolved into an organic and coherent EU model of political participation of migrants, able of enhancing the peculiarities of each territory.
The project stems from the need to meaningfully involve newcomers in decision-making and is based on the testing of pilot activities in 11 territories, across 6 European countries.

Individually, some members of “Glocal Factory” are involved in the implementation of other EU projects. Among them:

  • BELOW 10, focused on fighting against early school leaving
  • AMARE – A Multicultural Approach to REsilience, focused on migrants involvement in civili protection activities